Wednesday 3 October 2012

Glad tidings to the strangers...(A Prayer)

I see them as i greet them,
I see them as i smile at them!

In the countryside, in the city,
in the college, in the university!

The ones in whose company,
the heart is free of agony!

The people which upon them brings,
from Prophet (pbuh) glad tidings!

And i can just stare, and stare,
at the dramatic change in their...

in their lifestyle, the way they speak,
in their outlook, the way they peek!

when they speak they don't shout,
when they peek, dont seek clout!

Steadfast in piety, Imaan strong,
taking Quran & Sunnah along!

I just feel, just feel ashamed,
where i am, how they changed!

They have changed, changed for good,
the evil in me, still, steadfast stood!

And i long and i strive to part...
part away the evil from my heart!

And i pray and ask my Lord,
change my heart, Thou art God!

And i pray and ask my Lord,
change my life, Thou art God!


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  1. people which upon them brings.. spelling mistake?

    1. No, it is 'people' in singular sense (as in 'People of the book')! Plus, "Poetry mai itna to chalta hee hai!!!"


BOL - Speak out!


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